Sunday, March 9, 2014


1.Cardinal numbers
A cardinal number gives information about ‘’HOW MANY ‘’.since cardinal numbers show quantities , they are also called counting numbers
Examples :
-          8 puppies
-          14 friends
The use of cardinal numbers :
-          To tell the time ,date,phone,number
-          To show the speed
-          To show the price
Hundred and tens are usually separated by ‘and’
Examples :
-       250 : two hunred and fifty.
-       1,370 : one thousand,three hundred and seventy
-       2010 : two thousand and ten.

Numbers are usually written in singular
Examples :
o    Two thousand rupiahs
o    Several thousand light years.

The prural is used with dozen,hundred,thousand, million,billion, if they are not modi fied by another numbers expression
Examples :
o    Hundreds of rupiah
o    Thousands of light years.

2. Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers explain the order of things in a set : first,second,third,etc.they show rank or position instead of quantity.
·         Third fastest
·         Sixth in line

In names for kings and queens,ordinal numbers are written in roman numbers.
In spoken english,the definite article is used before the ordinal number.
·         Charles 11 – charles the second
3. Time
To say the date, we use either  a cardinal or an ordinal number.
Ø  january 5 or january the fifth
Ø  july 2 or july the second
Ø  august 17 or August the seventeenth.

4. Describing Something
Some words are used for describing things.they are used in accordance with the following order
observations/opinions are used to describe what is thought about a noun
Examples :
·         A pretty girl
·         An expensive dress.

size is used to describe how big or small a noun is
·         A small
·         The big house


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