Sunday, March 9, 2014


A. Formal expressions
-     good morning
-     good afternnooon
-     good evening
-     good night

Some of the responses are :
-     hello
-     hello,good morning
-     good afternoon
-     good evening
-     night/good night/have a nice dream

-   hello
-   how are things ?
-   how’s life ?

Some of the responses are
-     hello
-     just fine
-     very well, thank you

2. Saying Goodbye
-     good bye
-     it was nice to meet you

Some of the responses are :
-   nice to meet you,too

B. Informal
- bye – bye
Some of the responses are
-       Bye
-       Good bye

a.Thanking someone
- thanks
- thank you

b.Thaking someone who is typing to help
- thanks anyway
- thank you for helping

c. Responding to thank you
-  you’re welcome
-  not at all

A dialogs about formal expression
lili      : hello ser !
Mr.    : hello what are you doing now lili.irma ?
Lili     : we want to shoping sir !
Irma : where do you come from sir !
Mr.    : i’m from traditional market
Lili     : what did you buy sir !
Mr.    : i bought vegetables and fruits
Lili     : i’m sorry sir !we want to go to supermarket to shopping
Mr.    : yeah....!

4. Expression Regret
Bellow are some expression to express regret.
a.expressing regret about someone’s personal circumstances
·         I’m sorry to hear about that
·         Oh,that’s too bad.i’m sorry to hear it.
b. expressing regret about a minor accident or event.
·         What a pity
·         What a shame
·         What a nuisance
c. expressing shock or regret about a serious incident
·         Goodness
·         How awful
·         How terrible

5. Expressing Apology
Below  are some expressions to apology to some one.
Ø  I’m sorry,i wasn’t very well yesterday
Ø  I’m very won’t happent again
·         Katrin : do you know where Gajah Mada steer is ?
Arda : i’m afraid i don’t know .
Katrin : never mind .

6. Expression of asking and giving permission
To ask for permission,you can use some expression bellow
·         Can i speak to arya ?
·         Could  i use your telephone ?
·         Do you think i could borrow your bicycle?
Use these following expression to give permission
·         Certainly
·         Yes,of course
·         Yes,please do.
·         Yes you may,if you like


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